Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Future

The future is a scary thing, but it is also exciting... but mostly scary.

Because you never know what could happen.

My near future plan after this course, it's simple:

At the moment that's my future, it's what I want the most. However, where do I see myself in let's say 5 years... that I don't know, but there are various futures I could have:
  • Doing a masters degree in Biomedical Science
  • Studying dentistry or medicine in abroad (China - I've looked into this)
  • Taking a year off to work
  • Marriage? (oh jeez)
  • Kids? (Oh dear)
Obviously, I'm still young, but I should be old enough to know what my future is? Nope.

But my goal to finish uni with a degree is one I WILL attain, to be honest I'm not sure what I want to do in 5 years, there are so many options and I could change my direction so many times. 

As soon as this course is over it'll be summer break, how will I fill it:
  • Work on my skills, interpersonal and talents etc
  • Work on my biology, learn everything that I would have learnt if I did a-level biology.
  • Get work experience in a professional environment
The list is endless...
But I hope the future is brighter for me... There have been some bumps, and I am taking a long route, but I will get where I want to be.